Sunlaker Journal

Sunday, August 13, 2006

New TV on Order

Our old bedroom TV gave out the other day, and I have been researching new TVs online. I talked with my brother-in-law, who is the family expert on HDTV, and he gave me some tips. He bought a DLP HDTV, and has regretted his choice since it comes with a cooling fan that gives out a lot of ambient noise. He has tried to change out the fan on his TV, but the replacement fan is just as loud. The picture is great, but the noise is really irritating.

I was thinking of either a plasma or an LCD TV, and was swayed to the LCD version because it does not have burn in problems. The store salesperson I talked with told me how the newer plasmas have minimized the burn in problem, and I should not have to worry about it. However, he does not suffer from the screen displays that pop up on my TVs at home, reminding us that scheduled programs are available for selection. The pop up has a bright red bar, which would glow for a long time on a plasma in our house. So we have ordered a 40" Samsung LCD HDTV. Since this is for the bedroom, and needs to go against a particular wall, we were limited to no greater than 42".

The TV will be delivered next Wednesday. I know, you are thinking "why didn't he just pay for it and cart it home." "The new LCDs are not that heavy." Right. But by getting them to deliver this new TV, I can also get them to haul away the old cabinet based 35" CRT monster which is now dead. The donating agencies, like Goodwill, only accept TVs that are in working condition.

I also bought a new cabinet, which will be used to carry the new HDTV. The cabinet was built by Bush, which has done an amazing job with their pre-drilled holes and alignment. I brought that home and assembled it over a few days time. I think it took something like 4 dozen screws and wood glue. The store would have charged $50 to assemble any cabinet, and now I know why. It takes so much time and effort.

I will see what the TV is like next Wednesday.


  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger MidWstGirl said…

    I can say that once you have the flat screen with the HDTV, it is addictive! It is good to see that you only got the 40" for your bedroom!!!


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