Sunlaker Journal

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Busy Week

This has been a busy week. Monday was our anniversary, and I had planned on taking out my wife for dinner. I called the best restaurant in the area for reservations, and was told that they are closed for supper on Sunday and Monday nights. I told the receptionist that next time I would schedule our anniversary for another day. But we went to a fine Italian restaurant, and totally stuffed ourselves. My wife has been on a diet, and so both of us have been downsizing our meal portions. The dinner Monday was humongous. We had a large take-home bag after the meal. Incidently, the food tasted great.

I took in the SUV yesterday morning and had the oil changed, and the tires rotated and balanced. While they were working on the SUV I took a rental car and ran to my doctor's office and picked up my allergy drops. Cool stuff. You don't have to get shots. Just put a few drops in your mouth twice a week.

Yesterday afternoon the cable tech guy came and helped set up my new cable modem. He also gave us a new control and got it working for a second TV. We had to change out the TV the other day when the old TV went kaput.

This morning the air conditioning guy is suppose to come and fix the drain on one of our air conditioning air handlers. It is humid now, during the monsoon season, and we get a lot of moisture dripping off the condensers. There are plastic pipes that are suppose to take the water outside and drip on the ground. But one of the pipes is stopped up and the water is running out of the base of the air handler and down into the air chamber where the unit picks up the air to circulate through the house. So the AC guy will have to cut into the dry wall and replumb the tubing. How do I know? Well, he had to do the same thing last year. I think the remodeling we did this last fall caused enough dust to make the problem happen again. Ugh....

Tomorrow morning the Termite inspector comes for his yearly walk-around. If he sees any signs of termites on the exterior of the house, he will spray again. It is a sweet deal for the bug company. Then the regular monthly bug spray guy will come at noon and spray the house inside and the stones outside (I can't say grass, since this is the Phoenix area and we don't do grass except on golf courses.)

Tomorrow afternoon the Sears guy is scheduled to come and fix our icemaker on the new refrigerator. It keeps getting stuck on the cubes and won't pop them out of the tray.

Friday is scheduled as a day of rest. Thank goodness we are retired, because this is too much to handle if we were working. LOL.....


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