Sunlaker Journal

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Well, it is official now. My wife has pneumonia. She came down with an upper respiratory problem five days ago. Four days ago we saw a PA, who put her on a general antibiotic. She got worse over the weekend, so we saw her doctor yesterday. He gave her a breathing treatment and a shot of antibiotics. Changed her to a more powerful antibiotic, and a medrol pack. Today we got her in for an x-ray, and sure enough it has crept into one of her lungs. Now officially pneumonia. Back home now. Humidifier, expectorant, continuing the medrol pack and the strong antibiotic. Hope that keeps it at bay. She could end up in the hospital if it gets worse. Although all they can do in the hospital is put her on a drip system with the antiobiotic and fluids. We will see what happens.


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