Sunlaker Journal

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Big Sleep Tonight

I was dreading this day, but it turned out ok. I had some outpatient surgery a few weeks ago under the hands of my urologist to help alleviate a byproduct of my prostate cancer surgery, which I had some 7 years ago. The procedure this time was good, but it apparently stirred up some pain in my groin area. So today I visited my doctor to see what was causing the discomfort. I wanted to rule out infection and a possible hernia. The good news is that he believes I am just having some muscle spasms which can be alleviated using ibuprophen, heat, and Valium. I am not a big prescription drug fan, so I am approaching the valium with some hesitation. However, my wife assures me that I will sleep very soundly tonight. We will see how it goes. I just would like the pain to go away. The Doc assures me that it should be gone in a week or so.


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