Sunlaker Journal

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Well, yesterday I spent a lot of time working with students on Janee offers many courses from her web site, and currently we are running four classes this session. I am one of Janee's three instructors, and support the students by helping them post to the web and evaluating their work.

Yesterday we had an interesting example of how difficult it can be for students to put up pictures and comments on web sites. One of our students had tried to post his homework graphics on Kodak's EasyShare site. He got the graphics posted ok, but he could not figure out a way to share the viewing of his photos with the general public. I even opened a separate account on EasyShare, but I could never find a way to share photos posted there without emailing an invitation to make the sharing work. Sometimes sites will let you share with the public in general, but we could not find a way to do that with EasyShare. What our students need is a web site where they can post the URL of their gallery or album with their photos. That does not seem to work with Kodak's site.

Our student moved to Smugmug and that is working very well. Other students have successfully opened accounts at Flickr , which also works fine. Some of our students have even opened Blogs using Blogger, and that has also worked great. Flickr and Blogger offer free posting, and Smugmug charges a nominal yearly fee. Both Smugmug and Blogger are ad-free.

Today my wife and I are going to our friendly eyeglass place to fix a pair of eyeglasses. That doesn't sound too exciting, does it? However, put that experience on top of a day when the temperature is suppose to hover around 105 deg and it gets a little more interesting. It is suppose to get up to 111 deg by Monday, so we need to go out today while it is still cool. Ha!


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