Sunlaker Journal

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Finding a way to post information on the web is getting easier all the time. Google offers, and I am trying it out to see what it can do for posting pictures and text. This should be fun. Looking forward to doing more of this.

Today I spent some time cleaning a water feature we have in our back yard. We live in the Phoenix, Arizona area and summer temperatures have started to climb well over 100 degrees. So the little waterfall and its pond get a pretty fast buildup of alge. Today I dumped some chemicals into the water, and brushed down the sides of the pond. The water feature runs around 30 feet after the waterfall, under a footbridge and into a recirculating area. It is very pretty, but requires continuing upkeep.

Tonight I spent a couple of hours trying to find some photos that I took last November of the red rocks around Sedona, Arizona. I could not find them on my desktop, but after some extensive searching using the Photo Organizer in Photoshop Elements 4, I found the pictures on my notebook computer. I am including a little postcard I made up using Photoshop CS and the Sedona pictures.

Well, this blogging looks like it can be some fun. See you all around.


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