Sunlaker Journal

Monday, June 26, 2006

Google Web Photos

Google is in a Beta test phase with their latest creation, Picasa Web Albums. I was fortunate to be selected as a Beta tester, and downloaded their new Picasa program yesterday. I am impressed with what they have put together.

Picasa, as most of you know, is a free download that scans your computer and finds all the image files including all your digital photos. Picasa then shows you thumbnails of all your photos in its organizer mode. The great new addition to this softward lets you select any of the photos, and have them uploaded to a Web Photo Album that you can name yourself. It is your photo album and you can have your friends alerted via email so they can go see your new photos.

The photo sharing works a lot like Flickr, but the huge added benefit here is that it also helps you find your photos on your computer visually. You don't have to "remember" which folders you stored them in, like Flickr. You just see, click, and upload. And presto, you have a new photo album online.

If you are interested, check out Picasa Web Albums.


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