Sunlaker Journal

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Cable Modem Problem Resolved

The Tech from our cable company came out yesterday, and fixed my cable modem problem. He hooked up my new Linksys Cable Modem with my Linksys Wireless Router, and got everything running again. He even helped to be sure my notebook connected wirelessly with the router. It took a little adjustment, and now things are fine.

I use to have the cable modem hookup drop out on me at least sometime during the day for the last few weeks. But since my new modem was installed I haven't had (knock on wood) any drop outs. Frankly, I think the problem was that the firmware in my old Motorola modem was not up to date. (I have had that modem for at least 4 years.) The Tech showed me how to update the firmware on my router using the site. I did that last night. Here's hoping the connection lasts.


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