Sunlaker Journal

Monday, January 08, 2007

Dreamweaver and Comics - Nightmares

Well, I got my notebook computer to the repair people today. They said they would have it fixed in two days. Yeah, I will believe it when I get the call to come and pick it up. lol

I dug into my first lesson of Dreamweaver today with gusto, only to discover that the two prior courses I took in DW did not prepare me for this lesson. I think the material was written by another instructor entirely, rather than the one that taught the first two courses. I will probably try this lesson again another time, but for today I decided that life is too short to worry about understanding it and doing the homework. I may have a PhD, but this lesson was beyond me.

AND - my daily newspaper, the East Valley Tribune, pulled a fast one on its readers today. They totally changed the page with the comic strips. They deleted 18 comic strips, kept 4, and added 12 more. And the ones they added were straight out of the 1950's. Alley Oop, Gasoline Alley, Rex Morgan, M.D., to name a few. And the really bad news is that they dumped all of my favorites, like Pearls Before Swine. They even dumped a strip that they just introduced 4 days ago. It looks like a money driven decision. Fewer comics to pay for, and older comic strips that inherently cost less. I send in my letter to the Editor already. Oh yeah, they used the extra space from the 6 fewer comics to insert a very large print crossword puzzle. We already have 3 crossword puzzles. Who needed more???

That's enough for today. Hope tomorrow gets better.


  • At 8:53 PM, Blogger MidWstGirl said…

    Sorry to see that your notebook crapped out. I agree that trying to find your data on a computer is very tricky. I have been trying to back up my music and my photograph files. Now that I have an Ipod, thanks to my dear ole Dad, I have more music than I have memory. It is a 2003 notebook computer. How quickly things change...


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