Sunlaker Journal

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Progress - of sorts

Well, my notebook computer went south. I got all my data copied from it onto an external hard drive. Then I tried a clean install of Windows XP; the kind where it reformats the hard drive. Only got 62% done with the reformatting and I got another error message that said it was having problems with the hard drive and had to stop. Now I get nothing out of my notebook. I plan on taking it to the tech support people tomorrow.

The good news is that, since the notebook died, I have been able to do my write up for the Photoshop Elements group that I lead next Wednesday. This month I describe how to create a Valentine's heart out of wood, complete with arrow and Valentines message. The finished product looks like this.

My course started Saturday. It is the third in a series of three courses on Dreamweaver, a web site design and construction course. It is mainly about the code, and how to properly use Dreamweaver software to build a web site. This last course is 6 weeks long, and we post our work online.

Did I tell you that my online web site,, went kaput in mid-December? Well they finally got it back up, but for the address only. They lost all the data when their server crashed and burned. All I have posted so far is my home page, but absolutely no other pages. I had 37 Mb of pages before, so this will take some time to reload; if I even decide to try. We'll see.

Like I said, "Progress - of sorts."


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