Sunlaker Journal

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Summer In Arizona

Summer in Arizona, where I live, is a different phenomena. It is like the inverse of living elsewhere. We hibernate in the summer, unless we can get out of town. We did not leave town for our normal break, and so we spent a lot of time indoors with the air conditioner pumped up running almost full blast. Summer in the desert is a bit warm. A cool day is when the high is under 105 deg. Lately the high has only risen to 97 deg, so Fall is almost upon us.

That's why I have worn long sleeve shirts most of the time. Doesn't make much sense does it? Until you understand that I live with a woman (my wife) who is experiencing the elevated normal temps of a woman later in life. I don't want to say menopause, because we have not bothered to define it medically. I just know that she likes the house at 74 and I get cold under 78. So our "compromise" is that she sets the air conditioner a degree or two above where she would like it, and I wear long sleeve shirts.

I am getting out more now that September is upon us. My computer club has started again, and I am taking two online courses in Photography. I am getting a little behind, but that's ok. At least I am up and going again. ttyl


  • At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    good to see you're back. I always enjoyed your constructive comments on coursework submitted on Janee's courses. I wish I had more time to spend on my photography and Photoshop but my second career in solar energy keeps me pretty busy right now.

  • At 10:33 PM, Blogger sunlaker said…

    I am glad to be remembered. Working with Janee and her students was enjoyable, I got a kick out of that. But we all move on to other things. I have been trying to learn more about photography, but have fallen flat on my face. lol I signed up for two online courses, and got lost after week two. Oh well, I can always take them over. I have seen a similar time crunch as you. Too many things to do, and so little time.


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