Sunlaker Journal

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Life After Peanut

Well, it has been a little time since our dog, Peanut, died and life moves onward. I still will glance down to the right on the floor as I sit at my computer in the evening, because that's where Peanut use to sit and stare at me - hoping for some lap time. And sometimes I think I see a quick shadow of movement, but when I look down of course there is nothing there. He is really gone.

We have been busy with doctor's appointments, running errands, and trying out a new Italian restaurant in the neighborhood. (Surprisingly, the food is great.) All the stuff of normal living. The heat has arrived in the Phoenix area for the summer. Daytime temperatures are now regularly climbing above 110 degrees (F). We dash from garage to parking lot with the car's air conditioning blasting full on, and then into the stores or offices where we are greeted by warm, hot or my word it is so cold that I wish I had brought a sweater kind of air. The offices, in particular, vary temperature enormously.

We are planning a trip this weekend to visit my wife's uncle who lives in California. It will be a nice short road trip, and we will spend a few days with him. He recently lost his wife to cancer, so we will support each other as part of our healing processes. He is a great guy, and we are looking forward to the trip.

Life marches on .........


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