Sunlaker Journal

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Peanut: 10/12/2000 - 6/9/2008

I lost my little guy yesterday. He was my best little buddy and friend: Peanut, my 7 pound toy poodle. Peanut was only 7 years old, and was taken away by a fast acting growth inside his abdomen. None of us knew it was there. Not Peanut's vet, my wife, or I knew about it. Peanut knew something was wrong, but could not tell us how badly it hurt. None of us knew until yesterday, after an ultrasound found that there was something lurking inside that was probably preventing him from eating and drinking. The emergency exploratory surgery yesterday afternoon revealed a dark mass, attached to his major organs. The surgeon could not remove it, and thought it was probably pancreatic cancer. It would not have made any difference if we did a biopsy to confirm the cancer. Peanut could not live with it, and could not have survived if they tried to take it out. So my wife and I made the hardest decision we have ever had to make. We asked that Peanut not wake up from his surgery. That the vet allow him to die in peace. Damn, but that was - and is hard.

So this blog today is my tribute to Peanut, my little guy, who adopted me as his master after we brought him home. I will show three pictures of Peanut. The first was taken shortly after we brought him home in December, 2000. He is resting on my arm, a favorite position that we grew to know well over the years.

This next picture was taken three months ago, and shows how he grew into a mature dog who seemed to look to me to answer his questions. I was playing around with a new camera, and took this one of him, sitting on the floor trying to figure out what I was doing with that new black thing. I am so glad I have this photo, one of the last really good shots I have of him.

This third and final photo was taken as I sat on the floor next to him, three days ago. He was lying on his bed, with his eyes almost totally closed. I had a photo class assignment to shoot black and white pictures, and I captured this one of Peanut, never in a thousand years realizing that this would be my last shot of him alive.

He was a brave little guy, and I will miss him terribly. Rest in Peace......


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