Sunlaker Journal

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Peanut - Our Connection

Peanut and I had a special bond. There was a connection that he and I had, and I could feel it when he looked at me or when he would totally relax and fall asleep in my lap. Our pets can show us they love us, even at the end. I had a similar experience with Peanut. My wife and I were talking with the surgeon prior to the exploratory surgery. Peanut was lying in my lap along my arm with his head wearily placed in the crook of my elbow. He lifted his head only one time, and turned it almost backward to look me in the eye. Contact. He might have known he was in my arms, but he wanted contact with me through his eyes. That look went through to my soul, and I realized that might be the last time we saw each other. They took him shortly after that for the surgery, and he left buried in the towel they had wrapped him in after the ultrasound. I never saw him again. I was not able to be there when he passed on. He was still on the operating table, cold and hard as it was. It breaks my heart to realize that. But at least we had that one last look, intense, and eye to eye. Our connection to last for eternity.


  • At 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    John, I am sorry to learn of Peanut's untimely passing. A cruel part of being human is that we live through several cycles of our four-legged friends' lives. Our animals show unconditional love, and you were there for Peanut when he needed you. One day you will look back and laugh as you think of his antics. Meanwhile, smile and be glad you had him for seven years.



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