Sunlaker Journal

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Photoshop Brushes

I gave a presentation at our Photoshop Elements meeting tonight. Had a nice sized group of 30 people. I talked about using brushes in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. Used a very simple example to demonstrate how to use brushes to make a landscape (a very very simple one since my background is not in art, but in engineering). Showed how to add layers and name layers, and why. Showed how to vary the brush shape and opacity, and why. Photoshop Elements has some nice default brushes that can make the painter fairly creative. I also showed the group how to use Adobe Exchange to get free brushes, and where to put them on their computer. I'm not too sure how that part went, because I was tearing through that section fairly fast. Maybe some of them will try it.

I had fun, and was surprised by the applause at the end. I guess my efforts were appreciated. Everyone got (well almost everyone - I ran out of copies) a 5 page tutorial handout that covered most of what I presented. For anyone interested, you can find my Beginning Brushes tutorial at my web site.

I got a kick out of my son tonight. In the presentation, I use the club's projector hooked up to my notebook computer. The screen for the projector is around 8 x 8 ft, fairly large. So much to my surprise, while I am talking to this group of 30 people, my son posts me a text message via Skype and it pops up in the lower right hand corner of the screen. His message was "Hi, what's going on?" I explained to the group that the message was from my son, who was probably wanting to know if I was available for online gaming. I had been using our club's wireless connection during the meeting, so he saw that I was online and naturally sent me a note. He did not know that I was standing in front of a room of people, and that his message would be seen by all. I was a little surprised, to say the least. The internet can catch you that way, if you are not expecting it.

I contacted my son after the meeting to explain why I did not "talk" with him right away. He understood. He is in Texas and I live in Arizona, so Skype is a great free way to communicate - either via text or voice.