Sunlaker Journal

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dreaming of Dreamweaver

I am in the middle of my second online course in Dreamweaver, learning about how to put web pages together using Dreamweaver software. It is a challenge, and although Dreamweaver is a tool that can be used to create visual layouts, we spend a lot of time looking at the underlying code of whatever we try to create. I am learning a lot this way. At least I think I am. Only time will tell.

I redid my home page for my web site. It is now more compact, and I reduced some of the wordiness on the entry page. I keep thinking that I will redesign the other pages sometime, but I really doubt it. I will do new pages and those will have new looks. That would be more fun.

For anyone interested in learning Dreamweaver, take a look at LVS Online. Althea Fox is the instructor and she is very knowledgeable. She teaches a series of 3 six-week courses on Dreamweaver.