Sunlaker Journal

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Time Flies

Wow, time sure does fly. Got the new TV. Works great. Problem is - it is so good that now we want to get another one for the family room. But I can not afford that yet.

Started teaching online again. Janee opened a new session on her site, where we are giving instruction in four different classes in Photoshop. Drop in and take a look, if you are interested in learning more about Photoshop. So a busy time has started.

I am also taking an online course in Dreamweaver, a web creation program. That should be fun.

Having a problem on my notebook computer. McAfee related. I was running two older programs from Oct 2005; a virus checker and a firewall. Then McAfee offered me a free upgrade to their new Security Suite. I accepted, and now I can not get my Firefox Browser to open. So I had to uninstall the Security Suite. Got the browser back. That's what I am using for this blog. I now have to do a reinstall on the original programs and see when it hangs up. More work. Ughhh.

That's it for now. Got to go into debug mode.