Sunlaker Journal

Monday, December 03, 2007

Transition Time

I like to call this time of the year in Phoenix transition time. I have my own definition for that. In the summer months they (the local weather forecasters) define the start of the Monsoon season as the time when we have over 5 days in a row with the dew point at 55 degrees or over. Generally it is so arid out here that the humidity stays low with a low dew point. But as the summer months roll by the dew point rises as the humidity increases until we have 5 days over 55 degrees dew point. Then the Monsoon season "officially" starts. And then later we have rain. Usually in mid July through August, with a tad more in September. Then things dry up again as the seasonal flow of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico stops its summer flow up to Arizona.

I have just reached Transition Time in my household. I like to define that as 5 consecutive days where my wife does not run the air conditioner at some point during the day. And as of today, we have not had the air conditioner on for 5 days. That means it is cool enough to rely only on the heat cycle of our heat pumps. No more air; winter has officially started in my household. Time to put up the Christmas lights. I need to do that tomorrow. See you around the block.


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